on the blink...

Wandering through a friend’s facebook page the other day, I came across this link:


… which turns out (unusually) to be a fascinating architecture blog. I particularly like this piece about the ‘lost world’ of the blink. And the comments are just as interesting as the post itself.

Definitely worth a view.


Jon said...

I love the blink idea. I recently discovered the Carbuncle Cup for "High profile monstrosities, value-engineered shockers, buildings so ugly they freeze the heart":
I can think of a few nominees.
I'm also enjoying Owen Hatherley's blog:
He has an interesting take on the social housing of the 1960s and 70s, including the Ferrier. I'm looking forward to reading his book "Militant Modernism" as soon as I can get my hands on it.
We've just got back from Barcelona where we experienced some interesting architecture. I was a bit shocked at how ugly the Sagrada Familia was - it-s a real mess, like one of those candles you see jammed into a wine bottle in dodgy Italian restaurants. On the other hand, La Pedrera was sublime, especially the view from the roof. Proof perhaps that architects shouldn't linget too long on the same job?

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